Tuesday 23 August 2011

Chaos Templars background

Many years ago before Sigmar had made the empire, the old ones came to the old world and looked upon the world trying to find any intelligent life forms. And they found the sea elves masters of magic, gods of war and by far the most intelligent life forms on the planet. So they spared the sea elves lives and by doing so might of just destroyed the old world. Thousands of years passed and a group of humans called the von carlsteins awakand  an aiceint curse turning them into vampires. The sea elf Arcane Templars felt a great arcane power surge in Sylvania and commanded their most elite of there army an army which consisted of 100 Arcane Templars they then  mounted there wolves and rode to Sylvania to stop the arcane power surge. After weeks of non stop searching they stumbled across a tomb bearing the von carlsteins seal and they all felt weaker than usual  and so they new this is were the arcane power surge was. Soon all of the army was into the tomb, unaware of the von carlsteins they looked around for the arcane power surge and they found a old box which there was a carving writen in the side of the box written in the ancient lauage of nagash which said power over death. A suddenly the room became cold and the sea elves raised there weapons unaware of what they were about to face then a mist rose up from the floor, silence fell among the troops as the entered the defensive position for a few seconds it seemed like the world had stood still. But then a moaning sound could be heard by all and a figure was seen in the mist, the sea elves raised there bows awaiting the creature to present its self and sudunly the moaning got louder and louder and hundreds of figures were now in the mist the army prepared itself for the worse... Suddenly a horde of zombies apeard out of the mist and charged the sea elves bravely the sea elves sprang forwards and counter charged the revolting zombies the sea elves quickly sliced through the rotting flesh which was once a person. Only to be surrounded and outnumbered 100 to 1 but the sea elves didn't flinch for they new divine faith of the arcane would prevent them from harm an so they shouted {you cannot defeat us for we are masters of magic gods of war and we are here to take vengeance upon anyone who stand in are way} the sea elves charged and started to slice up the zombies with ease after the carnage a mighty warrior mage was spotted the general Xavier wolfbane commanded his army to wait here while he dealt with the warrior mage his men waited for several minutes they heard a loud bang they thought surly another kill for the feerles general Xavier wolfbane but they were wrong. Flying through the air and landed right in front of them was there generals decapitated mangled body. Then three men with fangs stood in front of them the sea elves charged to try and avenge there general,but the von carlsteins were too fast too powerful and even more intelligent then the sea elves the sea elves knew they would die but they weren't going down without a fight. After the fight some of the sea elves woke up stood in front of them were the three men who had killed there kin they were filled with rage and hatred and charged the men but were stopped by the men one of them said you suiviors are half elf half vampire you have gained overpowering powers and are from know on known as the Dark Templars know go and destroy anything that might leed people to find out about your past life the suiviors filled with this new found power did as they were asked and headed back to there birthplace and slaughtered everything and everyone and they did so with no regret no remorse and the loved every second of it there power and undying quench for death made a chaos god the nightmare lord. They all felt the erge to enter they chaos waste and wait at the polar gates suddenly there was a rip in time itself and demons poured out and they were told by the nightmare lord to enter the void and those who did became Chaos Templars

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